The CADA Program

Dental Assisting Course


1540 Rock Springs Rd
Smyrna, TN 3716


Dr. Jack Stalker, DDS
Lori Hoge, RDA
Chronicles Stokes, RDA
Laura Rojas, RDA


Dental assistants are extremely important members of the dental team. This course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to be an effective dental assistant. Throughout the course you will learn dental terminology, OSHA requirements, basic setups, armamentarium, how to assist other team members, how to take radiographs, and most importantly, comfort- and providing exceptional service to all patients. At the completion of this course the following certifications will be granted: radiology and monitoring of nitrous oxide.


Our four-week program is hybrid with the following schedule: one Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday (9:00 – 5:00, 1 hour for lunch) and 2 Saturday’s (8:00 am – 1:00 pm, 30-minute snack break).  The online portion can be done at home on your own time (you are assigned 8-10 chapters a week).  Class days can vary depending on holidays, sick/inclement weather days and vacations.  A total of 148 clinical and didactic hours will be required for the completion of the course. A minimum of 14 hours will be spent on radiology per Tennessee board of Dentistry requirements.

Required Text
  • Modern Dental Assisting (13th edition); Doni L. Bird, CDA, RDA, RDH, MA and Debbie S. Robinson, CDA, MS
  • The Dental Assisting workbook; Doni L. Bird, CDA, RDA, RDH, MA and Debbie S. Robinson, CDA, MS

Grades in this course will be based on an in-class midterm exam (30%), an in class final exam (40%), and multiple skills assessments (30%).

The exams will be a combination of labeling, fill in the blank, short answer, and multiple-choice questions. The final exam will be comprehensive.

Sealants, Coronal Polishing, and Monitoring of nitrous oxide will have their own separate syllabus and exams. Please review the material and tests which will be completed to receive the additional certifications.

ALL tests follow the grading scale below and MUST be passed with a grade of 75% or higher.

Grading Scale

A- 90-100
B- 80-89
C- 75-79
D- 74 and below

Any grades below 75% will require re-testing. Successful completion of all exams and skills assessments are required for all re-tests, with a maximum of one re-test within 7 business days of the original test date. If anyone is found to be cheating during an exam that will result in automatic failure and dismissal from the program.

Grades in this course will be based on an in-class midterm exam (30%), an in class final exam (40%), and multiple skills assessments (30%).

The exams will be a combination of labeling, fill in the blank, short answer, and multiple-choice questions.

A verbal progress report will be given halfway through the program. A student can request tutoring for an additional fee of $50 per 1 hour session. These sessions should be requested with the instructor to determine a time. If a student is failing and is unable to bring their grades to satisfactory standards even with the assistance of tutoring, that student will be dismissed with no readmission due to the length of the course.


The dental assisting program is a total of 148 hours. A minimum of 125 hours must be completed by the student to receive all certifications. Students who are absent more than 3 days will be dismissed from the program. During class all students are expected to be prepared for and participate in discussions. All cell phones shall be on silent and only used during breaks. Punctuality is an important professional quality. Habitual tardiness and/or leaving early by 15 minutes or more, with at least 2 occurrences in one week (Tuesday-Saturday).


If paid in full prior to the first day of class, tuition is $4299. If tuition is financed tuition, the price is $4500. The price includes one clinical jacket ($35), books ($160), and CPR ($40). Applicants will be responsible for their state application fees ($32.50) and state background check ($35). Cumberland Academy of Dental Assisting students will be allowed to return for coronal polishing and monitoring of nitrous oxide at no cost to them.


We offer 12-month or 18-month financing for those who qualify.

Please download the flyer for details and different payment options.

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If you’re interested in taking our dental assisting course, fill out the form below. You must also complete the application (above) and email to [email protected]All fields are required. The information collected here will only be used for enrollment purposes, and may be shared with the Tennessee Higher Education Commission and the Tennessee Board of Dentistry for license verification and record-keeping.
Dental Assisting Course Signup